How the Power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Drive Programmatic Advertising

The advertising industry has been rapidly evolving over the past few years, and innovations in technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are playing a critical role in this evolution. These technologies are revolutionizing programmatic media buying and the way consumers interact with brands.

Unlike traditional technologies, AI can detect patterns in data and make predictions from those patterns. It can learn from the outcomes to make better predictions over time. Here’s a more profound look at the roles that AI and ML play in making programmatic advertising more powerful.

How AI and ML Are Transforming the Advertising Industry

AI and ML process complex information in large volumes and help optimize the ad delivery process, improve performance without needing cookies, and minimize the probability of errors seeping in. As such, advertisers and companies are better equipped to drive analytics and initiatives and understand the dynamics, flow, and progress of their advertising strategies. 

They use AI to identify and segment audiences, enhance ad performance, build ad creatives, and test ads in real-time at scale. Some of the well-known tech giants, like Amazon, Google, and Facebook, are also heavily investing in deploying AI and ML solutions to strengthen their advertising.

Some of the key features of AI and ML in digital advertising and brand communications include the following:

  • Allocate advertising budgets across channels and audiences
  • Adjust advertising budgets and targets to hit KPIs automatically
  • Explore novel audiences and get access to better conversion opportunities
  • Build robust audience profiles – create and manage audience segments based on big data
  • Run predictive analytics
  • Determine and hit campaign goals
  • Create ad copy, visual ad copy
  • Predict ad performance prior to launching campaigns
  • Hyper-personalize messages and images for individual consumers
  • Get recommendations about advertising campaign management in real-time

Key AI and ML Tools Boosting Programmatic Advertising

AI and ML-powered programmatic advertisements are dominating digital platforms and reshaping how users consume promotional information. Companies are focusing on AI-based creative ads to enhance their performance and automatically increase their impact on the audience.

When we talk about tools, AI and ML techniques won’t automatically generate programmatic ads. These techniques power programmatic platforms to convey the right narratives to the right audience.

Let’s have a look at a few examples where AI and ML technologies help take the ad creation game to the next level.

Understanding and Reaching the Target Audience

Aroscop ASK1 is an AI- and ML-powered digital advertising tool that helps create specific audience cohorts or micro cohorts based on user behavior. It’s an end-to-end solution with the ability to create high-quality test groups and cater to the right audience at the right time through the programmatical delivery of interactive display ads. 

Optimizing Programmatic Ad Budgets

Money is an important aspect that powers programmatic advertising. ML and AI techniques guide brands in spending better and optimizing budgets on programmatic ads. AI analyses real-time data across various channels and deduces the optimum channel, budget, and even amount effectively and reliably. For example, ASK1 puts AI and ML capabilities into action for capturing the most relevant behavioral, contextual, and geographical data. It further enables businesses to leverage more than 400 prebuilt customer persona templates. This significantly helps businesses narrow down on their objectives and quickly understand their products’ market drivers and barriers.

Creating AI-Powered Job Postings

Finding the right talent is a cumbersome task. Companies often turn to AI for creating ad campaigns to attract talent effectively in a short span of time. Tools like Textio, an augmented writing platform, can help with this. The idea behind Textio is to lend data-driven guidance on job posts, recruiting mails, and enhancing an employer’s brand. Through its gender-neutral language, Textio empowers recruiters to attract diverse talent. In addition, it can help personalize ads to appeal to skilled and top-eligible candidates for open job listings in an organization. 

Bidding Strategically Using AI

When it comes to programmatic advertising, not every impression is worth bidding on or worth what you’re willing to bid on them. Using AI-based platforms, a bidding strategy can be developed to optimize bids for conversions. Machine learning technology evaluates the impressions effectively and no longer requires guesswork for bidding. This is also known as “auction-time bidding.” Aroscop’s Demand Side Platform helps drive smart bidding initiatives by automating workflows for bid optimizations and conversion, thus, enabling effective usage of time and ad budgets. 

Enhancing Conversion Rates

AI is extremely useful for increasing campaign conversion rates. AI-generated, personalized programmatic ads can cut through the digital noise with attractive, engaging, and relevant creatives that boost conversions. For example, ASK1 helps generate hyper-personalized ads and tests them to see their effect on customers, opening avenues for more personalization.


AI and ML are umbrella terms that cover a range of technologies that make advertising better and smarter. They help design programmatic ad campaigns that can be readily improved and personalized.

All in all, with AI and ML-based programmatic advertising, brands have the power to develop a competitive edge in the utterly dynamic digital advertising world. 

Learn more about ASK1 can help you make informed advertising decisions at scale.